
Okay, let’s get into this. One of the biggest reasons I started this blog is to fill a need I’ve felt for many years: I have always wanted to write about music.

My love affair with music began when I was four years old. I remember sitting in the back seat of my folk’s Dodge Dart (a bright yellow one that looked just like Starsky & Hutch). It was early morning, and my mom was driving me and another kid to pre-school. Every day, for several weeks, the radio station would play “You’re No Good” from Linda Rondstadt at exactly the same time each morning. I was entranced by that song. I dissected the music into it’s beautiful components: Linda’s soulful voice, the mellow, barely-constrained guitar line, the powerful background harmonies and rocking chorus. This was a badass song, especially to a four-year-old! I knew even then the power of a good song, the emotional impact music can make on anyone, in any situation. At four, I was in love with music, just as much as I am today.

So I’ll start my music blog with some of the lyrics from a beautiful song. This is the song I want to have played at my funeral. It encompasses all that music is: vibrations, emotional connection, expression, tragedy and majesty, hope and yearning.
This is a song called ‘Man of Golden Words,’ by Mother Love Bone.

Click below to play.

Man Of Golden Words – Mother Love Bone


Want to show you something like, the joy inside my heart
Seems I been living in the temple of the dog
Where would I live, if I were a man of golden words?
Or would I live at all?

Words and music
My only tools

And on her arrival I will set free the birds
Its a pretty time of year, when the mountains sing out loud
Tell me Mr. Golden Words, how’s about the world?
Tell me, can you tell me at all?

Words and music
My only tools

Lets fall in love with music
The driving force of our living
The only international language
Divine glory, the expression
The knees bow, the tongue confesses
The lord of lords, the king of kings

You can get a copy here:


  1. Sounds like you have a lot of passion for that song so I found myself looking for the song so I could here it myself. Maybe an MP3 of it to play on here or a link to it via youtube?

    Here it is:

    • Hey Chuck, thanks for visiting. Indeed, there’s a link to the song (mp3) right above the album cover. Just click play to hear it. Thanks again!

  2. Was that there? I just missed it….. Huh, I’m always checking out what you’re up to. Dig the song.

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