The Best 100

The latest issue of the magazine I design, Montana Outdoors, is out, hot off the press! I’m really proud of this one. It’s a special issue called the “Best 100,” a listing of 100 must-see and do things to fully enjoy Montana’s outdoors. This one was a real challenge to design, not unlike assembling a multi-page jigsaw puzzle. Here are a few of the pages, you can see more here:



Morel Cream Sauce on Pronghorn



You’re looking at panko-breaded pronghorn (antelope)  steaks, smothered in a morel cream sauce, with a side of asparagus and bell pepper. This is a “living off the land” meal I put together: pronghorn hunted last fall near Helena, asparagus from my parents’ home near Livingston, fresh morel mushrooms foraged near Bigfork, and fresh herbs from my garden. I love morels. With their rich, earthy, nutty flavor, they are a mushroom of the nature gods. They’re not easy to come by: they require work to find and gather, so I cherish the opportunity to cook with them. Read More →

Stoked about new Macs

At long last! Apple has announced a new generation of Mac Pros. Why am I so excited? Because I have a very intimate relationship with my computer: I interact with it for hours each day. It gives me the tools I need to express my creativity. It allows me to be a graphic artist in today’s world. I love my Macs. Been using them since the mid-80’s. They make me happy. They make me money.

I’ve been limping along with an 8-year-old Mac G5, waiting and waiting for a new, powerful computer to upgrade to before my G5 floats off to its happy computing grounds. That moment is finally here. Wheeee!


Recipe: Green Tea Chicken


Tonight I made green tea and ginger infused chicken cutlets with Asian noodles. This is a fairly straightforward, middle-of-the-week dish. It is also a paleo-friendly, gluten-free meal. My “noodles” we’re actually a julienned zucchini seasoned with garlic, sesame oil and a touch of honey. Delicious! I actually prefer the zucchini to regular pasta. As you can see from the photo, I also sautéed some sliced red bell pepper and green onions in a pan with some coconut oil, salt and pepper as a simple side dish. Read More →

Recipe: Korean beef & kimchi stir-fry



I am anything but an expert on Korean cuisine. In fact, I’ve eaten at Korean restaurants less than a handful of times. But I like the flavors, and thought I’d take a crack at a Paleo-friendly version of Korean bar-be-que, also known as bulgogi. As I have in other recipes, I’m substituting cauliflower for white rice. This is a simple recipe with just a few ingredients. Give it a try! Read More →

Recipe: Pad Thai á la summer squash



When I lived in Oregon and Washington, I used to indulge in great Thai food as often as possible. Sadly, my options are more limited in Montana. But a few years ago, I found this fantastic public-access TV show called “Thai Food Tonight” and watched this charming lady, Dim Geefay, and her daughter Cathy cook up all the Thai classics. I was inspired, and thought, “I could totally do this myself.” The TV show has been off the air for several years, but thankfully, Dim has posted many of her recipes as video clips on her website. You can view them here. Try it! They’re a hoot to watch, and they make Thai cooking look manageable! Read More →